DESTINATION MOON: A History of the Lunar Orbiter Program
Chapter 2 notes
1. Transcript of Proceedings -- Discussion between Nicks, Milwitzky, Scherer, Rowsome, and members of the National Academy of Public Administration, NASA Headquarters, September 12, 1968.
2. Memorandum from Newton W. Cunningham to Charles Sonett, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C., January 12, 1962, p. 6.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid., p. 2.
5. Edwin F. Dobies., The Lunar Orbiter Photographic Experiment, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Section Report No. 1-48, June 1, 1960.
6. Support of Project Apollo by Programs in the Office of Space Sciences, Issue No. 1, July 30, 1962; Hughes Aircraft Company Document No. 262001, June 18, 1962.
7. Ibid., p. 3.
8. Ibid., P. 7.
9. Ibid., p. 8.
10. NASA, Office of Space Sciences, Surveyor Orbiter Guidelines, July 20, 1962.
11. Interview with Oran W. Nicks, Director of Lunar and Planetary Programs, Office of Space Science and Applications, NASA Headquarters., August 14, 1967.
12. Memorandum from Oran W. Nicks to Capt. Lee R. Scherer, OSS, September 21, 1962.
13. Letter from Dr. A. K. Thiel, Space Technology Laboratories, Inc., to Oran W. Nicks, Director, Lunar and Planetary Programs, OSS/NASA., Washington, D.C., September 20, 1962.
14. Memorandum from Joseph F. Shea, Office of Manned Space Flight, to Oran W. Nicks, Office of Space Sciences, October 23, 1962.
15. Ibid.
16. Memorandum for the Associate Administrator.. NASA (Robert C. Seamans, Jr.),from. Dr. Homer E. Newell, OSS, and D. Brainerd Holmes, OMSF, October 22., 1962, P. 1.
17. Lee R. Scherer, Surveyor Program Engineer, Study of Agena-based Lunar Orbiters, NASA Headquarters, Office of Space Sciences, October 25, l962, p. 1. See also Memorandum from Captain Lee R. Scherer to Oran W. Nicks, OSS, November 16, 1962, concerning STL Proposal No. SC5100 and Proposal No. SC5101.
18. Scherer, Study of Agena-based Lunar Orbiters, p. 1.
19. Ibid., p. 2.
20. Ibid.
21. Ibid., p. 1.
22. Memorandum, Dr. Homer E. Newell, Office of Space Sciences, NASA Headquarters, November 1, 1962. (Joseph Ziemanski, former Agena Project Engineer, Lewis Research Center comments that the Lewis Research Center met its scheduled delivery date with the first Centaur in the Surveyor Program., but no Surveyor was ready to be launched on the original launch date.)
23. Memorandum from Clifford I. Cummings, Director of Lunar Programs, JPL, to Oran W. Nicks.0 Director, Office of Lunar and Planetary Programs., NASA Headquarters, October 26.. 1962,and memorandum in reply from-Oran W. Nicks to Clifford I. Cummings, November 8, 1962, p. 2. See also Brief History of Lunar Orbiter Work, prepared for Edgar M. Cortright, NASA Headquarters, May 2, 1963
24. Memorandum from Floyd L. Thompson, Langley Research Center, to-Dr. Eugene M. Emme, NASA Historian, NASA Headquarters, Subject: Comments on draft of Lunar Orbiter History dated November 4. 1969, December 22, 1969.
25. Interview with Oran W. Nicks, NASA Headquarters, August 14, 1967.
26. Project Approval Document dated October 16, 1962p drawn up by Captain Lee R. Scherer, Office of Space Sciences.
27. Status Report on Orbiter -- Thursday, February 28, 1963, from the Director, Lunar and Planetary Programs, to the Assistant to the Director for Manned Space Flight Support.
28. Memorandum from Homer E. Newell, Director, Office of Space Sciences, to the Director, Office of Space Flight, concerning questions on unmanned lunar orbiter,, March 14, 1963.
29. Letter from Dr. Floyd L. Thompson, Director, Langley Research Center, to NASA Headquarters Code SL, attn. Scherer, March 6, 1963.
30. Memorandum, Thompson to Emme, December 22, 1969, p. 2.
31. NASA Management Manual, Part I., General Management Instructions, Chapter 4, Number 4-1-1. March 8. 1963, P. I (hereinafter cited as GMI 4-1-1).
32. Ibid.
33. Ibid.
34. Ibid.
35. Ibid. p. 4.
36. Ibid., pp. 4-5.
37. Ibid., p. 5.
38. Ibid. , p. 6.
39. Project Development Plan for Lunar Orbiter Project (updated December 1964 and June 10, 1966), Langley Research Center, Project No. 814-00-00. p. 11-2.
40. Memorandum from SD/Deputy Director, OSS, to S/Director, OSS, concerning: Recommended reprogramming within the Office of Space Sciences, April 25, 2963.
41. Ibid.
42. Ibid., p. 2.
43. Ibid., p. 4.
44. Ibid., P. 5.
45. Project Development Plan, Appendix, Attachment 1, pp. XII-1, XII-2.
46. Ibid., Appendix, Attachment 2. p. XII-3.
47. Bellcom Working Paper., submitted by W.S. Boyle to J.P. Shea, May 10, 1963,, P. 3; Bellcomm study on lunar orbiter objectives, May 14, 1963.
48. Letter from Capt. Lee R. Scherer, NASA Headquarters, to Clinton E. Brown, Langley Research Center, May 24, 1963.
49. Memorandum from Edgar M. Cortright for Messrs. Nicks, Cunningham, Kochendorfer, Mitchell, Subject: Briefing of Seamans on current program proposals, May 15, 1963.
50. Summary of OMSF Data Requirements Document, no date. See also: Discussion of Lunar Surface Photographic Requirements, Appendix III., April 19, 1963.
51. Ibid.
52. Office of Space Sciences, memorandum to SL Files from SL/Assistant to the Director for Manned Space Flight Support, Subject: Meeting on Incentive Contracting for Lunar Orbiter at Langley Research Center, June 25, 26, 1963.
53. Interview with Floyd L. Thompson, former Director of the Langley Research Center, NASA Headquarters, January 29, 1970.
54. Memorandum from Dr. Homer E. Newell, Director of the Office of Space Sciences, to Dr. Floyd L. Thompson, Director of the Langley Research Center, July 1. 1963.
55. Ibid.
56. Headquarters Comments on Documents for the RFP of the Agena-class lunar orbiter, no date, p. I
57. Ibid. , p. 2.
58. Ibid., pp. 7-8.
59. Ibid., pp. 11-12.
60. Statement of Work Lunar Orbiter Project, Langley Research Center, March 18, 1964, Exhibit A.
61. Status Report on Lunar Orbiter, Langley Research Center, August 1, 1963.
62. Letter from Capt. Lee R. Scherer to Oran W. Nicks and Edgar M. Cortright, Office of Space Sciences, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C., August 23, 1963.